NHS Friends & Family Test (FTT)
Would you recommend this service to friends and family?
The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether their patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It is a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving care or treatment across the NHS.
How does it work?
When you complete your treatment or are discharged from a service, you will often be invited to complete the FFT. You may be asked while you are still on the premises, or you may be contacted within the 48 hours that follow. Some providers may offer to return your FFT by post, or give you feedback over the phone or via their website.
Not all service providers will prompt their patients to do the FFT, but you can always give feedback if you wish. Most GP and dental practices, for example, display a collection box and feedback forms in their waiting rooms, so you can complete one at any time. If you do not see anything and want to give feedback, simply ask for a form at reception.
How will the results be used?
Service providers will gather the results and analyse them rapidly to see if any action is required. The responses to the FFT question will be used to create an overall score that will be published on this website. The comments, however, are retained by the service, to pass on to staff and managers.