Younger Person services

We welcome young adults and aim to put you at your ease when you come to the practice, whether it is alone or with a friend.

We can assure you that confidentiality will be maintained if you are aged 12-16 and you ask to keep details of your consultations confidential, or, if you consult us about potentially sensitive issues.

Sexual health advice is available, as is advice on other issues such as depression, drugs, alcohol and self-harm. Contact the surgery to arrange an appointment with a GP.

People aged 16 and over can access the NHS App, and other online services.

Can I see a doctor by myself?

Yes. There is no reason why you can’t ask to see the doctor by yourself. They might want to find out why and might encourage you to tell your parent or carer. But they should try to understand how you feel if you don’t want to.

Does the GP have to tell my parents?

No. The GP will respect you as an individual, and your rights to a private and confidential consultation. They might encourage you to tell your parents or carers about your medical condition, if they feel this would benefit you. However, they should try to understand how you feel if you don’t want your parents to know.

Do I have to use the same GP as my parents?

No, you can see any GP at the practice for young people aged 12 to 16 years of age, the GP or Practice Nurse will have a discussion with you about how well they consider you are able to understand what is being discussed, and about any advice or treatment needed.

How do I make an appointment?

If you think you do need to see a GP you can make an appointment by calling your GP surgery and speaking to the receptionist, or going there in person.
You can also book appointments online via the NHS App if you’re over 16.
If you call the surgery for an appointment they will ask you a few questions; they will probably ask you who the appointment is for and why. This is to make sure that you see the right person at the right time.

How do I change my GP?

Most doctors are great at their job and care about their patients a lot.
But, there are times when people either don’t get on with, or feel uncomfortable with their doctor. You can always ask to see someone else, including a male or female doctor if you prefer, and you don’t have to give a reason. You may not be able to do this straight away and might have to wait for another appointment, so it’s better to say as early as possible.

If you want to see a Male or Female GP then let us know and we can get you booked in with a GP that makes you feel comfortable.

If you are struggling with your mental health there is always someone that you can speak to, we have a great page that you can find out all the information that you need.

If you wish to discuss sexual health or family planning there are several different types of contraception that can prevent an unplanned pregnancy and help protect you against STIs.

You can book an appointment with a GP or nurse Practitioner to discuss this and find out what the best option for you is.

There is a Sexual Health Clinic at the Aldershot centre for health for more information.

Telephone: 0300 3002016