Home Visits
Please Contact the surgery before 10.30am if you think you need a home visit and be prepared to tell the receptionist about your condition so that we can decide the best way to assess your needs.
We now have paramedics employed by the federation of Aldershot GPs who are helping us with home visits.
A home visit is usually only carried out in the following instances:
- Terminal illness
- Severe illness
- If the patient is housebound
If you request a home visit, you will initially receive a telephone consultation from the Doctor, who will discuss your symptoms with you and make the decision whether a home visit is needed.
You may be asked to attend the surgery as a result of this consultation if clinically appropriate.
The Doctor will decide on the most suitable place and time for your condition to be assessed.
Please ensure that you are within our practice boundaries, if you are not within them then the GP will not be able to do a home visit. This is why it is best for you to be registered at your nearest surgery.